When To Seek Professional Help For Children's Behavioral Problems

Paying attention to your child’s behavioral health is as important as paying attention to their physical health. To learn more about your children's behavioral health, visit your Rockville, MD, pediatrician, Dr. Vahid Khajoee of A Plus Pediatrics.

What Is Behavioral Health?

While many parents focus on the physical health of their children, it is also necessary to address the behavioral problems. Behavioral health refers to the child's mental and emotional health and how it affects their social life. Children’s behavioral problems may be undiagnosed, and the child goes with behavioral issues into adulthood. This problem can affect the way your child develops, the quality of their social life, education, and future career.

Common Behavioral Disorders in Children

The symptoms of behavioral issues in children may include temper tantrums, angry outbreaks, lack of concentration, and inability to pay attention for long periods. Children with these symptoms are usually diagnosed with one of these behavioral disorders:

  • ADHD: a mental health disorder that can cause overactivity and impulsive behaviors. Children with ADHD also have trouble focusing their attention on a single task or sitting in the same place for long periods.
  • Depression: if you think your child is depressed, you must seek medical help as soon as possible. The longer the depression is left untreated, the more likely it is to disrupt your child's life and become a long-term problem.
  • Anxiety: it may present in the form of fear, but it can make your child irritable and angry. The problem is that some anxious children may keep their worries to themselves, which makes the disorder hard to diagnose.

Treatment Options 

After evaluating your child and diagnosing the behavioral health problem in our Rockville, NC, office, Dr. Khajoee will recommend the best treatment plan for the child's case. The first and most common treatment for children with behavioral disorders is counseling. During the counseling, the pediatrician will simply listen to the child and understand their problems, which is sometimes all what your child needs. Another common treatment is cognitive-behavior therapy. This program involves the parents and the child. During the program, the parents will be taught how to treat the child correctly. Also, Dr. Khajoee may prescribe medications to help the child.

Contact Us 

If your child is suffering from behavioral health issues in Rockville, MD, visit your pediatrician, Dr. Khajoee of A Plus Pediatrics. Call us at (301) 284-1234 to book your appointment.

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