How Can a Pediatrician Help With Behavior Health

Are you struggling to deal with your child's behavioral issues? Your pediatrician in Rockville, MD, Dr. Vahid Khajoee of A Plus Pediatrics can recommend behavioral health treatments and offer suggestions that will help your son or daughter.

Common Causes of Behavioral Issues

Your child may begin having troubles with his or her behavior due to one of these conditions:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Autism spectrum disorder may make it harder to interact with other people and make friends. Kids who have the disorder may flap their hands, rock, have language delays, avoid eye contact, or become obsessed with certain topics or objects. Autism spectrum disorder can cause behavior issues whether it's mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Some children with ADHD are unusually active, can't still for long or take turns, and tend to be impulsive. Others aren't hyperactive but may have trouble concentrating.
  • Tourette Syndrome: Kids with Tourette syndrome make movements or say sounds or words over and over again. People with the syndrome can't control these behaviors, or "tics," no matter how hard they try.
  • Depression and Anxiety: Children can develop depression and anxiety just like adults. Kids who are depressed or anxious may not want to go to school or may have difficulty making friends.
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD): If your child is constantly defiant or disobedient, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) may be the reason. Children who have the disorder may refuse to follow instructions, have angry outbursts, blame other people for their problems, and frequently argue with parents, teachers, siblings, and friends.

How Your Pediatrician Can Help

Life can be very difficult when children and their families are dealing with behavioral health problems. Your Rockville, MD, pediatrician can help you and your child cope with these issues. Sometimes, problems with behavior are actually caused by a health issue. During your visit to the pediatrics office, your child will receive a physical examination to ensure that he or she doesn't have any undiagnosed conditions or diseases.

Your child's pediatrician may offer a few suggestions that make life easier for you and your son or daughter or recommend specialists and therapists who can help your child.

Is your family having trouble coping with behavioral health problems? Call Rockville, MD, pediatrician, Dr. Vahid Khajoee of A Plus Pediatrics at (301) 284-1234 to make an appointment for your child.

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